Saturday, June 27, 2009


A cataract is a cloudy or opaque area (an area you cannot see through) in the lens of the eye.
Causes of Cataract
The lens of the eye is normally clear. If the lens becomes cloudy, the condition is known as a cataract. Rarely, cataracts may be present at or shortly after birth. These are called congenital cataracts. Adult cataracts usually develop with advancing age and may run in families. Cataracts develop more quickly in the presence of some environmental factors, such as smoking or exposure to other toxic substances. They may develop at any time after an eye injury. Metabolic diseases such as diabetes also greatly increase the risk for cataracts. Certain medications, such as cortisone, can also accelerate cataract formation.
Congenital cataracts may be inherited. The gene for such cataracts is dominant (autosomal dominant inheritance), which means that the defective gene will cause the condition even if only one parent passes it along. I families where one parent carries the gene, there is a 50% chance in every pregnancy that the child will be affected. Congenital cataracts can also be caused by infections affecting the mother during pregnancy, such as rubella. They are also associated with metabolic disorders such as galactosemia. Risk factors include inherited metabolic diseases, a family history of cataracts, and maternal viral infection during pregnancy.
Adult cataracts are generally associated with aging. They develop slowly and painlessly, and vision in the affected eye or eyes slowly gets worse. Visual problems may include the following changes: difficulty seeing at night Seeing halos around lights, being sensitive to glare, vision problems associated with cataracts generally move towards decreased vision, even in daylight. Adult cataracts are classified as immature, mature, and hypermature. A lens that has some remaining clear areas is referred to as an immature cataract. A mature cataract is completely opaque. A hypermature cataract has a liquefied surface that leaks through the capsule, and may cause swelling and irritation of other structures in the eye.
Most people develop some clouding of the lens after the age of 60. About 50% of people aged 65-74, and about 70% of those 75 and older, have cataracts that affect their vision. Most people with cataracts have similar changes in both eyes, although one eye may be worse than the other. Many people with this condition have only slight visual changes, and are not aware of their cataracts. Factors that may contribute to cataract development are low serum calcium levels, diabetes, long-term use of corticosteroids, and various inflammatory and metabolic disorders. Environmental causes include trauma, radiation exposure, and too much exposure to ultraviolet light (sunlight). In many cases, the cause of cataract is unknown.
Symptoms of Cataract
Cloudy, fuzzy, foggy, or filmy vision Loss of color intensity Frequent changes in eyeglass prescription The glare from bright lights causes vision problems at night, especially while driving Sensitivity to glare from lamps or the sun Halos around lights Double vision in one eye Decreased contrast sensitivity (the ability to see shades, or shapes against a background)
Homeopathic Treatment for Cataract
Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc.
Following homeopathic medicines have been found effective in many cases of Cataract:
Homeopathy can give bwenefit if cataract is diagnosed earlier. Many scientific studies have been done on this context that proved the efficacy of homeopathy on cataract. It is noteworthy that John Burdon – Cooper, the Scottish ophthalmic surgeon, expressed the efficacy of CMS eye drops in 1938. Also, Powell mentioned his success with CMS eye drops and other homeopathic remedies in the treatment of cataract. A paper published in British Homoeopathic Journal claims 60% success in both arresting and curing cataract with CMS eye drops. An animal experimentation in Philadelphia, USA has also confirmed the effectivity of this drug in prevention and treatment of cataract. Other than these, Sir Stewart Duke – Elder, Tichner, Hammer, Kent, Boericke, Clarke and others claimed the valuable results on homeopathic efficacy. Recently, Govt. of India’s Central Council for Research in Homeopathy has published the efficacy of CMS eye drops. On the positive side of homeopathy it does not have any side effects. A benefit without surgery will obviously be a boon to all of us.
Usually prescribed homeopathic drugs with their indications
Brynia alba: Cataract with stitching, tearing pain, pain worse by motion and better by rest, dryness of mucous membranes of the eyes, cataract with glaucoma.
Calcarea carbonica: Cataract with dimness of vision as if looking through a mist, sensitive to light, lachrymation in the early morning and open air.
Calcarea fluorica: Flickering and sparks before eyes; spots on the cornea; cataract with conjunctivitis.
Calcarea iodata: Cataract with lachrymal gland affection; conjunctivitis with enlarged eye lids.
Cannabis sativa: Cataract from nervous disturbances and abuse of alcohol and tobacco; patient feels deeply approaching blindness.
Causticum: Cataract with motor disturbances; inflammation of eyelids, sparks and dark spots before eyes, vision impaired as if film were before eyes.
Conium maculatum: Fear of light and excessive lachrymation; dim vision worse artificial light; sweat on closing eyes.
Euphrasia: Cataract with watering of eyes; acrid discharge from the eyes; cataract with blisters on cornea.
Natrum muriaticum: Cataract of incipient stage; cataract with headache; pain in eyes when looking down; dry mucous membranes of eyes; muscles of the eyes are weak and stiff pain in eye associated with pain in back of neck 6CH, 12CH, 30CH and higher.
Phosphorus: Cataract with Sensation as if everything covered with a mist or dust; sensation as if something pulled tightly over eyes; green halo about the candlelight; patient sees well by shading eyes with hand; letters appear red; cataract due to abuse of tobacco.
Pulsatilla Cataract with inflammation of eyes; thick, profuse, yellow discharge; lids inflammed and agglutinated.
Rhus toxicodendron: Traumatic cataract; photophobia associated with profuse flow of yellowish pus; eye painful when turning it; old injured eye.
Secale cornutum: Cataract of incipient stage; senile cataract; cataract especially in old woman.
Sepia: Black spots in the field of vision; cataract with pulsating headache; pain in the eyes aggravates morning and evening.
Silicea: Cataract in office workers; aversion to light; especially daylight; light produces dazzling and sharp pains through eyes; pain in eyes worse when closed; vision confused and letters run together on read.
Sulphur: Burning ulceration of margins of lids with cataract; first stage of ulceration in the cornea From lower 6CH to higher potencies.
Thiosinaminum: cataract of old age; cataract of carcinogenic origin

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